Durian is a tropical fruit that grows in countries in Southeast Asia. It has a spiky outer shell and a smelly flesh that can vary in color.
Durian is an ingredient in both sweet and savory Southeast Asian dishes. It’s also used in traditional medicine.

from little seeds grow mighty trees.
we put passion, drive, focus to create this amazing place,
your satisfaction is the great support to motivate us.
Passion fruit is a tropical fruit grown all over the world. It has a hard, colorful rind and juicy, seed-filled center. Purple and yellow varieties are the most common.
Passion fruit is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Calorie for calorie, it’s a nutrient-dense fruit. Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber. Diets high in these nutrients have been linked to a lower risk of conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Passion fruit peel supplements may have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. They may benefit people with asthma and osteoarthritis, but more research is required.

Limes are high in vitamin C, providing over 20% of your daily needs. They also contain small amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin B6, thiamine, potassium, and more.
Limes may help improve immunity, reduce heart disease risk factors, prevent kidney stones, aid iron absorption, promote healthy skin, and lower your risk of certain cancers.
Limes are generally safe to eat, drink, and touch, but some people may have an adverse reaction to eating them or applying them to their skin.
Mangosteen contains vitamins with antioxidant capacity, as well as a unique class of antioxidant compounds known as xanthones.
Plant compounds and fiber in mangosteen may have anti-inflammatory effects according to animal research. More studies are needed to understand how this fruit may reduce inflammation in humans.
Plant compounds and fiber in mangosteen may contribute to reduced blood sugar. Still, current research is insufficient.

Rambutan is a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can prevent constipation and improve symptoms of certain gut disorders.
Rambutan is low in calories, yet rich in water and fiber. This combination may prevent overeating and keep you feeling fuller for longer — both of which can lead to weight loss over time.
Various compounds found in the rambutan flesh and peel may strengthen your immune system and help fight infection.
It is closely related to the rambutan and sometimes confused with it. Other related soapberry family fruits include lychee and longan. Usually eaten fresh, it is sweeter than the rambutan and lychee, but very rare outside Southeast Asia.
While very similar to rambutan, the fruit lacks the hairy spines. The flesh is very sweet and juicy, and separates easily from the seed, much more easily than the rambutan. In addition, unlike the seed of the rambutan, the seed of the pulasan is readily edible raw. It has a flavour somewhat like that of almonds.